Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

Work Request Properties Dialog

Lets you view and edit information about a particular work request. Use this dialog when you want to view the facts about a work request or when you want to correct errors in the customer name, revise the description, change the project's start or completion date, or make other changes in the work request information. Mandatory fields appear in bold type.

Name The name of the work request. The work request name must be unique for a specific work flow.
State The current stage of the work request in its life cycle. The default is "Initiated." System-generated.
Customer The customer's name.
Work Flow The work flow to which the work request belongs. This property may be determined by the external work management system.
Description A description of the work request.
Estimated Start The date on which construction for the project is expected to begin.
Estimated Complete The date on which construction is expected to be finished.
Required Complete The deadline for finishing construction on the project.
Owner The name of the person who is responsible for the work request. By default, the user who created the work request is the owner. Ownership can also be assigned by an external work management system.
Creator The name of the person who created the work request. System-generated.
Modified The date on which the work request was last modified. System-generated.
Created The date on which the work request was created. System-generated.
OK Closes the dialog and saves any changes.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving any changes.
More Opens a custom dialog for specifying custom attribute values. This button appears dimmed if no custom dialog is available.
Help Opens the Help topic for this dialog.